Stable environmental isotopes and the delta notation Geologia da Terra 10:33 5 years ago 9 769 Далее Скачать
Big Insight from Little Things: An Introduction to Isotope Analysis in Climate Science Paleontological Research Institution 5:28 3 years ago 7 332 Далее Скачать
Stable Carbon Isotopes & Paleoclimate Proxies | GEO GIRL GEO GIRL 15:32 4 years ago 17 130 Далее Скачать
Geochemical Data Series: Lesson 6 - Stable isotopes William D Smith PhD 15:53 3 years ago 6 333 Далее Скачать
Predation & food webs - a focus on stable isotopes - Part 3 Prof LeRoy 12:54 3 years ago 682 Далее Скачать
Incorporation of stable isotope signals and their climatic significance - Prof. Dr. Matt Lachniet Speleothem Science Summerschool 47:54 2 years ago 661 Далее Скачать